Deep Foundation

Our helical piers are used for many different applications. Helical Piers Inc.’s product can support any load or application, with a fast and efficient installation process. We have included examples of applications used today:
Deep Foundation - Examples
Boardwalk Foundations
Our helical piers can be used as a foundation for eco-friendly boardwalks where soil conditions are unfavorable. The piles can be installed with portable installation equipment in order to provide minimal disturbance.
Our piles also provide increased resistance for boardwalks that are exposed to flooding and storm surges.

Bridge Foundations
Helical Piers Inc. helical piles are the perfect deep foundation solution for small bridge foundations. Helical piles are also cost-effective, and contractors and engineers prefer helical piles as they can be installed with compact hydraulic-driven drills.
Communication Tower Foundations
We have designed helical piles that have been used to support communication and transmission towers across the country. Helical piles are preferred when mobilization is limited in remote areas, especially if soils are difficult. This form of support for the towers is also highly preferred, as there is much less steel that is used.

Light Poles
Utilizing helical piles in lieu of typical concrete piers allows for immediate installation of the light pole after the helical pile has been installed properly as there is no waiting for concrete to cure. The helical pile is also not susceptible to frost/freeze thaw cycle which means a stronger and longer lasting footing/foundation for the light pole.
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Residential & Commercial Foundations
Our helical piles can be used for new and failing residential and commercial foundations. Our piles can be installed in limited access locations with less installation equipment, making helical piers a great option to lift and stabilize residential and commercial foundations that our failing.
Helical piers can also be used for new construction foundations to stabilize concrete footing or grade beams.

Solar Foundations
Helical piles are preferred in solar foundations as they fight uplift created by high wind forces and frost heaving, which causes negative friction along pile shafts.

Decks, Porches, Gazebos, etc.
Helical piles are a very efficient alternative to traditional concrete deck footings. They are installed with minimal turf damage because of the small equipment needed for installation. They do not require any curing time.
They provide more protection from frost and the freeze/thaw cycle than typical concrete foundations. Cost wise, they are very similar and are often times cheaper because of the increased installation time vs the traditional concrete piers.

Swimming Pool Foundations
Helical piles provide a great alternative to traditional swimming pool foundations (timber piling, concrete piling, etc.). Using helical piers for swimming pool foundations also eliminate mobilization costs for large equipment and the vibrations and spoils that typically come along with traditional foundations.
The installation of the piles is quick and efficient with the ability to immediately load after installation and move on to the next step in the pool construction.

Wind Turbines
Using helical piles for wind turbines is highly preferred, as there is less concrete used, reducing cure times. In turn, this reduces the installation time, mobilization and money.

Generator Pads
Helical piles are a great solution for providing support for a generator. They can be used to either support the generator itself directly (meaning there will be no concrete slab underneath the generator) or, if a slab and footings are required due to ha heavier load or poor soil conditions, they can be used to support the slab and footings to allow for less soil correction.
Also, helical piles can be installed in very close proximity to existing buildings, features, utilities, etc. because of their non-vibratory and small equipment installation methods.

Utility Supports
Often, above ground & below ground utility lines require support due to poor soil conditions or to provide a platform for above ground utility lines to sit on. Helical piles are a cost effective and value-added piece to the project.
They are quick and easy to install and require not concrete curing which means immediate loading of the piles can happen. There are an endless amount of pile brackets that can be mounted to the top of the helical pile to provide proper fastening/support for the specific utility line or structure being supported.